I've slept for quite some time during evening so nothing much to say.. Ohya!! I guess I really need to introduce you guys some PSP games ( Originally from PS2 ) that I really got addicted nowadays.. And I believed everyone love this game too! Hold on, I post the picture here..

I guess everyone knows it! Yup, is Disgaea! Wait, hold on, I post the description here so that you peeps will know more about it..
All Disgaea games take place mostly in the "Netherworld", a parallel universe inhabited by demons where moral values are reversed from those of humans. Multiple Netherworlds exist, each with their own Overlord. Other areas include the human world, shown to possess a futuristic level of technology in Hour of Darkness, and "Celestia", a heavenly realm inhabited by angels. Rather than being purely good or purely evil, inhabitants of the Netherworld and Celestia possess human-like qualities, but are swayed far more towards either moral extreme. And not to forget my beloved prinnies dood! They are cute dood! Here's the picture of it dood! ( Prinnies do love to say dood somehow and I wonder why )

Isn't he lovely dood? These Prinny also have a game called Prinny Can I really be the hero? who else can said they don't love such lovely penguin eh? Anyone?
Calm down, it's only a Nippon Ichi game. You know, the Japanese developer behind the Disgaea RPG series? Actually, you probably don't know - the game enjoys a hardcore but small following in the west. Funny, though, that you should say penguin – it's a good spot. A Prinny is indeed some kind of penguin. With two little bat wings. And peg legs instead of little cute penguin feet. And they explode when they touch enemies or are thrown. And they say “dood” at the end of every sentence. And they have squeaky high-pitched voices. Really.
A review from VideoGamer.Com
Another game will be ..................................................................................................................................

Tada ! Is Disgaea 2! One of my best PSP game that I currently addicted to! Just reach episode 11 and the storyline is interesting yet funny with all the prinnies around, you just can't get tired of it! Abit of the game setting i'll post it now.. stay tune folks!
Like past Disgaea games, Dark Hero Days has a number of bizarre moments that come in the form of the enemies you’ll face that range from turtle-like creatures to the cute penguin-like Prinny who pull huge swords out of their fanny-packs and call you “dood!” Strategy is still a big part of the game and, thankfully, there are a number of tutorials that will teach you the basics including introducing the new features as well. This isn’t the type of game you can blindly jump into battle hoping to come out of it in one piece. Early in the game you will make use of Adell’s town, which serves as a hub for when you need new weapons, armor, items (as well as upgrade your items) as well as the right to purchase new songs to expand the game’s soundtrack. The town is also good to obtain subpoenas to take down monsters that commit felonies as well as create new characters to join your party. The character creation option allows you to add a number of characters with skills such as thief, healer, fighter or a Red Skull magician just to name a few classes. You can even have a Prinny in your party. This is definitely helpful if you like a big party of characters to use in the far more difficult battles.
Heh, I hope everyone of you who own PS2 or PSP should try this game,is fun ya know! Just now, i was having a conversation with my gor, Xlaw, that he told me about his history, what he facing and the hatred he had to this world. During his conversation, he let go his anger and he was really fire up! I guess his hatred isn't anybody can cure but I do believe that someone will cure his pain in his heart. I felt like a sharp knife thrusting my heart. I somehow felt his pain and my tears are like gonna roll down soon.. I never have such experience before, maybe because I'm hungry? I don't know myself either, just felt the pain somehow.. and his talk reminds me of E LOL, been his brother for 3 years, somehow after this incident, really felt so different.. Guess I still miss him anyway.. Sometimes hope he don't show out in front of me, don't sms me nor find me but sometimes, i wish he was here chatting with me.. Still missing the day we overnight in Ken's house and how much we chatted that day.. Nevertheless, is just a flashback but whether he find me back or not is he who decide it, i just hope it is best for both world.. Hope he's doing alright now.. SPM is really around the corner, I guess left 2 weeks to go right? Joyce and S, Wish all the best to you guys ! Study smart and hard at the same time!
Gonna hit the bed now, tomorrow have to wake up early for studio base class! Goodnight peeps~!
Oh Oh! I almost forgot! Ah yi, you see this screen shot!

P/S : Yi bu yi bu zou huo ru mo ~ ( currently listening to this song and very much love it! )
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