Anyway, come back to the topic.. Let's see, hmm.. Gonna have my World Englishes exam this coming wednesday although not so eager to have it on since I hardly touch my book at all but I hope I can manage it.. Hopefully get an A too if can xD well, so far so good now, busy preparing all the tools needed for my sculpture now! Almost get everything, just the major item, the clay haven't got it right now but nevertheless, I'm sure I can handle it! Don't ya worry! Today was a good day! Wake up then have to go to my friend house to drill a hole in the Jelutong board needed for the sculpture to stand on.. Man, it really difficult for us to drill a hole and right, is a hole.. A 3 to 5 cm diameter but take us long enough to get it done.. Urgh, I wonder how the workers done it but for us, man... troublesome! We drill until our hands shake non-stop and we sweat alot too! The drill just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, spinning, spinning non-stop that's why our hands are full with dust and shakes alot too! Lose our energy just for that aihz... Nevertheless, we've done 3 holes only! Then technical problem occur.. aww man.. Aihz, can't finish up the rest! Nevermind, tomorrow still can continue in class haha... Gonna have study group tomorrow for last revision, hope everything we studied, we memorized came out on the exam.. if not, GG-fied!
Ohya, I'm currently playing ECO + Red Cliff Online too! If ya don't know what is Red Cliff Online, I hope this picture will help you!

Is a show starring by Tony Leong and his gang ( I don't know who the others ) and now they have both Chinese and English version online game too! Details on this game will be posted in this link so do check it out ya?
Hope you will play this game together with me! My name inside will be Lenux, a Sabre ( Dao ) user.. I thought of putting Chinese Character or Ping yin for my name but then maximum words for a name is between 2- 8 characters only so... yeah,can't use it anyway, aihz... Thought of putting Zhang Zhongxian tim heh.. a name created by me! Nice eh?
Anyway, since I've introduce some anime, here another anime that I'm currently watching.. Is quite attractive to me ( hot girls inside too ) so if you wanna see more girls, enjoy Kampfer!!

Hot girls eh? Here the details about this anime!
The story revolves around Natsuru Senō, a normal high school boy. One day he wakes up to find himself turned into a girl. A stuffed tiger "Harakiri Tora" comes to life and tells him to fight as a female psychic fighter "Kämpfer". Having no idea about what's going on, Natsuru is involved in the battles against other female Kämpfer.
Catch your attention? Well, watch it here in only 3 episode currently, so watch it when you have free time!
Okay, I'm done with the blogging thingy! Now is time for me to sleep! Oh, before that, can you see the Nuffnang ads on your right hand side? Click it everytime you read my blog! It helps me to get money ( according to my friends ) so, won't you spare some kindness to me? Pretty Please? Okie Dokie! Time to get to sleep and be ready for tomorrow class! Tooties!
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