Saturday, October 31, 2009
Dancing is Tiring!!
LOL! Funniest thing happened after the class.. My mom and I participate in this bodyjam class ( mixture of all dance ) and of course, i saw 2 gay fellow dancing there with great skill! and posture too! very very VERY muscular and they dance like a sexy young lady shaking their bug here and there and they are pretty ugly too! Imagine when you were dancing here and there and then saw them dancing really can make you vomit straight! One of them become my role model although he is quite disgusting but I still follow his movement ( He dance opposite the trainer so I just can see from the back ) WoW! He got pretty great skill in dancing too but.... Ugh! Doesn't need to mention anymore of this.. Dance for 2 hours in both class really can make you fall ill now.. Yeah, I'm quite ill now due to tiredness and lack of exercise can really kill your body straight. I'm suppose to do body building exercise but can't resist the temptation of learning how to dance ( I got interest in dancing actually ) and plus, tomorrow morning got ballroom dancing session in the morning around 8 10am to 10 10am but I sure not gonna attend it. I'm really tired now haihz.. Bought 1 pack of Dutch Lady Chocolate milk and chipsmore to cure my hunger ( dance alot sure hungry ) then went back home and do household chores like sweeping the floor, cook for dinner and feed my rabbit then walla, went to take a nap.
I guess that's all for today but I'm gonna introduce to you peeps 1 old song and is a very nice, relaxing soft melody song.. I hope you like it. Song by Shorty Yuan Ruo Lan - Ban Qing Ge
Yuan Ruo Lan - Ban Qing Ge
Got attracted by this song deeply LOL! Next will be 1 quite old but new album song from Janice - Pretty and another old time favourite emo song Kiss The Rain - Hienie. Greatly touched by both songs and I like them very very much ever since I first heard it in youtube LOL! If you emo and wanted to emo more, Listen to it! It helps you to become more emo person haha.. but nowdays, I emo less I guess heh.. Anyway, do enjoy!
Janice Wei Lan - Vidal
Kiss The Rain - Hienie, Originally by Yiruma
Guess I'm gonna head to my bed and I still missing my old time favourite brother ( now not even friend nor brother anymore due to my fault,sorry ) Guess what done is done, things can't be change anymore in the past. Well, have to live the way it is now, Life is so cruel anyway, gotta bear with it! What more than wishing he will find me back? Anyway, Goodnight peeps!
P/S : I got 1 free entry pass to Fitness First, anyone who wants it can get it from me,TQ
Tiring Lenux
Friday, October 30, 2009
Bright lit Sunny Day with a little bit of Rainpour
I did mention i brought the clay back but I never touch it at all! Guess I have to do it ASAP or else I will get left behind haihz... Some more tomorrow I'm going to gym with my mom for line dance class in Fitness First ( Yeah,successfully register it today with Yew to accompany me ) at 3pm till maybe 4 or 6 like that depends whether my mom want to continue dancing or not hmm.. Yew and I booked an appointment in Herbaline for our facial treatment due to that is fully booked today so gotta go next monday.. Man, my friend so despo to go and I wanted to go too! Of course after having my haircut that is.. and then go for facial treatment before take photo for Fitness First membership card, gotta look smart and handsome anyway! ( Sorry,is a joke as I know I'm not handsome anyway LOL please don't vomit k? )
Went to Pasar Malam with Heng and of course bought our favourite Mango lo-lo to eat in Kum's house before meeting my mom later on. We chatted quite alot about Red Cliff and thanks to Kum, we learned alot of things today LOL Heng and I both bought Cubicard worth Rm10 to expand our inventory and storage in RC huhu.. There goes my money.. Some more bought a shirt / dress ( I wonder what it call ) for my cousin, Kimberly for her birthday today ( Yes! Halloween day is her Big Day! ) I wonder whether she like it or not but nevertheless, I'll pass it to her today! Hope she like it! Happy Birthday my dear cousin, Hope you have an enjoyable day today! Hoho...
Red Cliff double exp starts today! Gotta chase my level now! This weekend gonna be pretty busy doing all sort of things! From household chores to sports gonna kill me lots but nevertheless, I shall face it happily! Ohya, forgot to mention that my brother just chatted with me, guess he already forgive me ( that's what he said ) and we chatted quite alot lately, luckily didnt end up quarreling today.. Guess I pretty much hate quarreling nowdays haha... Anyway, Goodnight!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Nothing better than You
Next will be an Event that I'm gonna organize + plan together with my secondary schoolmates to go Singapore for a trip! Is gonna be 3 days 2 nights ( hopefully ) that means I've got a chance to meet my IRO Sons and brothers too! Even my dad,Fayt too! Man, I can't wait to go ! But saddest part is that I gotta start to save money to go there now.. Saving money is the hardest task for me right now as I only know how to waste but not earn and save it, so anyone mind to help me out here? Ways of saving and earning money guide? Anyone? Desperate now! Tomorrow I'm going out with Yew for facial treatment ( Yes, facial treatment in Connaught Herbaline ) Rm28 with body massage! After that gonna go register for membership in Fitness First, guess I have to start doing sports now or else I wonder I will become "Da Fei Zhu" when I grow older but there are thoughts that keep popping out of nowhere.. Questions without answers stop me for a sec.. What if I start and stop early? What if I run out of money? The WH- word keep coming in and out yet I can't find the answer but nevertheless, I shall give it a try.
Do you know everyone has a life story to tell? Do you know that everyone has a path to walk? Do you know that everyone has a chance to be anything? Now, here is the question, which will you choose? God created us in this world full with good and bad things but you have a choice to choose which way you should land your foot on.. What has happened yesterday greatly challenged me.. As we all know that my bro are quite negative as he hates the world and the people in this world who betrayed him. Thousands of time he stand up and face the world but people just love to betray him until now he give up and hated them ever since it happened. Yesterday we were chatting and debating, questioning what is life to us.. He was very angry, hating the world so much that he ownself felt that he become evil that nobody can save him from this evilness and hatred in him. As his brother, I try to pull him back to the right path, trying to console him, to comfort him and give him advice that he shouldn't be like that.. He even mention that he will kill those who betrayed others, he will kill all the bad people in this world even if he have to go to hell, he doesn't care. He wants to drag others along to hell, those who are evil, treated others like nobody business.
I did my best to help gor, I did everything and try to help you out but you refuse and said that is too late now for I will never ever again trust other people.. Gor, that's not the right way of solving your hatred nor problems that is in you.. I know you got hurt badly, too deep until you have lost your trust on others and wanted to kill them all but that will not cure your heart and that is not the way to solve the problem. Is true that evil people deserved to be smash and kill and etc but there are other way to solve it. If you kill them all, does it make any different between you and them? That doesn't help you at all. You need to let go of your hatred, or else you will suffer even more. I know i'm just a typically good people who knows how to talk but different in acting but I'm trying my best to help you out. Because of this, you even give up on me when I'm trying to help you change. Gor, is never too late for everything as long as you got the heart to change, you will. Try to change, maybe it will benefit you more than now. Living your life like a prisoner in hell will make you suffer like a burning prisoner from hell. Try to let go of your hatred, try to trust again, to have hope again, maybe your world will be brighten up once again. Although you already give up on me, but I'm not gor, I'll be here whenever you need me.
I did try to avoid this matter, to be angry, to dislike you, to SMS you with alot of questions regarding our brotherhood but I didn't do any of it cause I know that is your decision and I respect it but I will not let go of you. I still care you as my brother that is why I've send you a message to ask you to take care of yourself but you did not reply me so I guess I know the answer already. Nevertheless, I hope you will realize it and find me back. Please smile back.........
I wonder did I changed lately... do I?
Lenux with a heavy heart
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Snail Line
I've slept for quite some time during evening so nothing much to say.. Ohya!! I guess I really need to introduce you guys some PSP games ( Originally from PS2 ) that I really got addicted nowadays.. And I believed everyone love this game too! Hold on, I post the picture here..

I guess everyone knows it! Yup, is Disgaea! Wait, hold on, I post the description here so that you peeps will know more about it..
All Disgaea games take place mostly in the "Netherworld", a parallel universe inhabited by demons where moral values are reversed from those of humans. Multiple Netherworlds exist, each with their own Overlord. Other areas include the human world, shown to possess a futuristic level of technology in Hour of Darkness, and "Celestia", a heavenly realm inhabited by angels. Rather than being purely good or purely evil, inhabitants of the Netherworld and Celestia possess human-like qualities, but are swayed far more towards either moral extreme. And not to forget my beloved prinnies dood! They are cute dood! Here's the picture of it dood! ( Prinnies do love to say dood somehow and I wonder why )

Isn't he lovely dood? These Prinny also have a game called Prinny Can I really be the hero? who else can said they don't love such lovely penguin eh? Anyone?
Calm down, it's only a Nippon Ichi game. You know, the Japanese developer behind the Disgaea RPG series? Actually, you probably don't know - the game enjoys a hardcore but small following in the west. Funny, though, that you should say penguin – it's a good spot. A Prinny is indeed some kind of penguin. With two little bat wings. And peg legs instead of little cute penguin feet. And they explode when they touch enemies or are thrown. And they say “dood” at the end of every sentence. And they have squeaky high-pitched voices. Really.
A review from VideoGamer.Com
Another game will be ..................................................................................................................................

Tada ! Is Disgaea 2! One of my best PSP game that I currently addicted to! Just reach episode 11 and the storyline is interesting yet funny with all the prinnies around, you just can't get tired of it! Abit of the game setting i'll post it now.. stay tune folks!
Like past Disgaea games, Dark Hero Days has a number of bizarre moments that come in the form of the enemies you’ll face that range from turtle-like creatures to the cute penguin-like Prinny who pull huge swords out of their fanny-packs and call you “dood!” Strategy is still a big part of the game and, thankfully, there are a number of tutorials that will teach you the basics including introducing the new features as well. This isn’t the type of game you can blindly jump into battle hoping to come out of it in one piece. Early in the game you will make use of Adell’s town, which serves as a hub for when you need new weapons, armor, items (as well as upgrade your items) as well as the right to purchase new songs to expand the game’s soundtrack. The town is also good to obtain subpoenas to take down monsters that commit felonies as well as create new characters to join your party. The character creation option allows you to add a number of characters with skills such as thief, healer, fighter or a Red Skull magician just to name a few classes. You can even have a Prinny in your party. This is definitely helpful if you like a big party of characters to use in the far more difficult battles.
Heh, I hope everyone of you who own PS2 or PSP should try this game,is fun ya know! Just now, i was having a conversation with my gor, Xlaw, that he told me about his history, what he facing and the hatred he had to this world. During his conversation, he let go his anger and he was really fire up! I guess his hatred isn't anybody can cure but I do believe that someone will cure his pain in his heart. I felt like a sharp knife thrusting my heart. I somehow felt his pain and my tears are like gonna roll down soon.. I never have such experience before, maybe because I'm hungry? I don't know myself either, just felt the pain somehow.. and his talk reminds me of E LOL, been his brother for 3 years, somehow after this incident, really felt so different.. Guess I still miss him anyway.. Sometimes hope he don't show out in front of me, don't sms me nor find me but sometimes, i wish he was here chatting with me.. Still missing the day we overnight in Ken's house and how much we chatted that day.. Nevertheless, is just a flashback but whether he find me back or not is he who decide it, i just hope it is best for both world.. Hope he's doing alright now.. SPM is really around the corner, I guess left 2 weeks to go right? Joyce and S, Wish all the best to you guys ! Study smart and hard at the same time!
Gonna hit the bed now, tomorrow have to wake up early for studio base class! Goodnight peeps~!
Oh Oh! I almost forgot! Ah yi, you see this screen shot!

P/S : Yi bu yi bu zou huo ru mo ~ ( currently listening to this song and very much love it! )
Monday, October 26, 2009
Stepping on my Dragon's Tail
Today wake up around 9 something to precise, should be around 9 30am or so and then start doing my usual routine.. First thing of course is to - switch-on my computer and start playing Red Cliff ( guess I really get addicted into this game ) till I even forget that I didn't brush my teeth Hoho.. Hey, I know what you are thinking now, just forget what I write above there k? Perhaps next time you guys need to remind me to brush my teeth or else I can really sit in front of my computer the whole day without lifting my butt ( that doesn't apply to going for a toilet break or for a nap ) so yeah,I need constant reminder! Anyone? But of course, I don't pay, is a voluntary work.. so do it on your own free will! And, If you ever meet me on the street, no worries! Listerine will do the job Hoho! Neh, I'm just kidding.. I guess I did play Red Cliff the whole day and take an afternoon nap after I've finished my lunch.. Nowadays I keep yawn and need a nap after my lunch, starts to become like a pig haihz..
Anyway,good news guys! My gor seems to be okay today! I indeed very happy to receive his sms this afternoon and he added me too in MSN! Have a good talk with him this evening haha.. Looks like the wind has blown the dark clouds away, now a brightly lit sunlight and puffy clouds are heading my way! Cheer up gor and don't worry, I'll be here for ya heh.. Great that you start to think clearly today and stop emo so if you ever read my blog again, I hope you won't ended up being like me, always can't think clearly and emo the whole day, just wish you would able to smile and brighten up your days.
Kum seems to be alright today,not like yesterday.. And he even asked me whether wanna go eat desserts or not with him and I wanted to but somehow, the plan cancelled due to my close friend, Heng will not be able to make it so yeah.. Can't eat dessert today although I really miss it.. Wait, hold on, is Tong Shui consider dessert? I think it is... Well, everything ends well today! Really happy for it hoho..
Ohya, whenever the clock strike 10 o clock, I will start multi-tasking.. as in play 2 games together! Wanna see how it works? Let's see the picture below!

see how many songs I'm loading? GG.FIED! Thanks to my dad for the upgrading, or else I won't be able to do it like this! Ohya, currently addicted to this song called Rose of Bethlehem. Is a christmas song and since I might be joining carol this year ( If Vir's Christmas Party is cancelled )
gonna sing this song out loud! Is a beautiful song with nice melody indeed! Here's the video, hope you like it!
and not to forget this 2 brilliant girl I've mention earlier, Janice and Sonia! Really love their voice and the song they sang! Look for it here if you want to :-
The song that they sang are mostly Christian songs which I really love it! I hope you don't mind to watch it do you? Or else you will miss such lovely songs..
Do you guys know why I write "stepping on my Dragon's tail " ? Well, I was talking about marriage, and since I've got uncountable brothers, relatives and friends, I was wondering whether I will need 100 tables or not ( is just what I thought in my mind ) and is nothing to have such conversation as we sometimes DO need to think ahead. I was talking here and there and my friend whom I'm not close with ( Player from ECO ) started to boom me with lots of negative feedback and they just step over my boundary, is like stepping on my tail ( I'm a dragon anyway ) so I've started to boom them till my gor also got scared and try to calm me down and them too. Seriously, everyone have its limit to how far can a person go and never ever step over people's boundary,you will just get boomed without noticing it. Anyway, back to the topic.. I really do wish to be able to hold a wedding dinner in a cruise, that's my dream and I hope I can fulfill it. Marriage to me means " yat san yat sai " but nowadays, nobody will be loyal to you anymore.. But i still wish i can be loyal to my love one forever and ever.. Then my close friends started to tease me whenever I started this topic. They said " Wah, so kaya, do mai titanic pose la wei " i really ROFL and I started doing the cross pose LOL! That was something fun to think about haha..
I guess that' all I wanna say today, my story ends here! Goodnight guys and girls!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Dark Room
The game called Emil Chronicles Online (ECO) where my brother and I was playing it and due to that I'm lacking of interest in this game, I might be less active on it and my brother thought that I'm quitting and he was quite sad yet emo-ing now that he might lost a good friend / brother and he thought that I was playing him since I treated him so good at first and leave him right now... I also felt so guilty to leave you like this gor and about I don't understand you, trust me, I do.. The words that you've sent to me,I saw my reflection on it.. I used to sent it to my ex brother, E, and we ended up like this.. Don't worry,I will always be there for you when you needed me, just send me a message and I'll login to accompany you, no worries yeah! I'm still really sad right now,I hope you know it too and I hope,you will read my blog too.. I'm sorry, and I'm sorry to you too E, if you ever read my blog, hope you will forgive me.
Next story is...................
Is about a game too called Red Cliff where I called my friend who was busying doing his translation to help me on a quest in battlefield so he agreed to help me on it. So, in between the game period, we are supposed to kill a monster called Blood Fang, a white tiger in this quest but he bring me go wrong road and then i say to him " You bring me walk wrong road jor, nothing to say you already " and he was so pissed off he replied me " Then you man man play ba " and logoff.. Oh my God! Did I do anything wrong? It wasn't meant to be a scolding but a teasing, meant to be a joke yet he take it so serious and so xiao qi and then logoff just like that.. I was like WTH? Readers, you judge it! Did I do wrong here? I know that he was so busy with his translation doesn't mean you have to take everything so seriously! Plus, we do used to joke and tease each other and I didn't use any vulgar on him, why are you so pissed off? Haihz.. This 2 close friends of mine just ruin my night just like that.. Now I felt I've done so much wrong already, please tell me honestly, did I really do wrong? in this 2 case? I'm confused, like walking around endlessly in a maze.. Please save me!
Anyway, is still early for me to head to my bed but I guess I really should go now since I'm not in a good mood now.. Sorry, and I sincerely apologize to you guys, to the readers that if I ever did wrong in the past or in present now, I hope you will forgive me. Now that I think back what I did in the past, is quite funny and silly actually LOL I hope I won't walk back the same I am in the past.. Have faith in God, Goodnight.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Missing. . .

explain everything bout fitness first to me agree to book a place for me in the centre but condition is, I have to pay the deposit first! Due to that I have not much cash in hand, I reject his offer and he stated very clear that this promotion ( RM138 for this month ) is only valid till October end, starting November, the price will change to its original price which is RM199, now that is costly! I wonder mom will give/let me join it or not hmm.. But I have a promise with Yew that I will join no matter what so I've gotta keep my promise!
Dad sent a message to my mom stated that Grandma will move to my Uncle place to stay for some time ( I don't know how long it can be ) so mom no need to move out anymore! Yay! But then, I'm pretty sure grandma will not stay too long there due to some of the point :-
1) No Astro Wa Lai Toi
2) Nobody to nag on
3) Not comfortable without her own bed, where can she sleep?
4) far from the market, not even close to restaurant
so I'm pretty sure she will come back ASAP anyway! But as long as she was in my Uncle house, I guess everything will turn up fine. Meanwhile, I can enjoy being lonely at home! Hohoho! Time to blast my songs out loud! Then what more, Yew and I went to Herbaline ( A facial treatment centre ) but I don't have any picture about this centre, guess you guys have to search it online heh.. We went there and found out that the design was pretty well done! Suit my taste anyway haha.. and First trial for facial treatment including other treatment for 90 minute only cost about Rm28! Is so CHEAP ! Of course we 2 planned to go together 1 day.. Guess what? Is fully book on weekend! We have to do appointment with them too but of course we didn't since Monday we will be going there for Facial Treatment + Free Fitness First entry for 1 day! Yew already applied Fitness First so he get 2 Guest Pass but only one per person aje, cannot be the same person.. Anyway, Yew, Me and Heng might go on Monday for Fitness heh..
Later on as usual, Red Cliff and Left 4 Dead till now.. My left eye damn pain after playing L4D and not to mention, we didn't get to win the game at the all! Stupid game ish.. Guess I have to delete it from my computer.. Already bored of playing it anyway LOL.. Some more cause my eye so much pain zz.. Have to sleep early now, tomorrow have to wake up to go to church..
You know, I sometimes wonder how Y . E . S doing lately.. are they still very close? Are they doing fine? Sometimes I do miss them.. and also do hope they are fine of course.. SPM is just around the corner, Joyce and S, you 2 better study hard yo! Pray that you 2 score all A's in SPM Haha, then belanja me makan besar can liao heh.. And Y, did you win the contest today? I hope you did.. E, i wonder you will miss me or not hmm.. anyway, I do! Okay la, gotta head to bed now.. My eye really cause alot of trouble to me now! See Ya dude and dudes!
Friday, October 23, 2009
I'm Officially Missing You
Saturday, 24 October 2009
A boy by the name of Bay was found studying in UCSI, doing his sculpture modeling by the age of 21.. He and his gang was having so much fun bending and twisting those wires until injured their fingers and hands too.. Those clay that they hold smells like dry fish or "Ham Yu" in Cantonese, but nevertheless,I can see that they are having fun doing it.. Mr. Dennis, the lecturer was very helpful to Bay especially in adjusting the proportion of his model, help Bay to glue the PVC pipe into the Jelutong board and not to mention, he's a good lecturer indeed.. Everyone in the class enjoy his company rather than Mr. Teh, another lecturer that they hate the most was on leave, they were pretty lucky too. Looks like Bay has done half of the upper part of his figure while his friends already finished the whole body, looks like Bay has to speed up his progress ! Ganbatte Bay, I know you can do it!
After Bay finished his studies today, straight went back home to tapao his lunch but found out that his grandma was no where to be seen! Terrified, Bay straight call his Aunt to ask her whereabout but his Aunt has no clue either! Nevertheless, his Aunt calm him down saying that she might gone out to have a walk or haircut. He put down the phone, take the laundry clothes back to house, eat his lunch and go to sleep. What an afternoon nap he has. Woke up on 5 or 6 something, on Red Cliff but found out that the weather is too cold outside.. Is raining! Bay was so sad that he can't get to go to Leisure Mall Pasar Malam as he has a promise with his close friend, Heng to go along for dinner and later tapao food for Kum too, but everything was destroyed! Nevertheless, he continue his game till a little while later, the rain has stopped! Is a blessing to Bay cause he can finally go to PM with his friend! He quickly take a bath and went out without having his dinner at home! Meet Heng in LM and buy alot of food for Kum and himself too!
Desserts, Fried Chicken + Sotong, Not to exclude his favourite Mango Lo-Lo was the best of the best! Bay enjoyed his dinner very very much and had a good chat with his 2 close friends together, what is more than that? But both Bay and Heng got frightened and scared because on the way to Kum house, he have to climb a couple of stairs before they can reach Kum house but 2 cockroaches was on the wall! Frightened, Puzzled, don't know what to do, Bay suggest to Heng that he should call Kum to come down and settle that 2 damn cockroaches! Hero has arrived after a couple of minute, took the broom and sweep off the cockroaches! WoW! Kum has saved the day! But they 2 get laughed by an Auntie working down Kum house.. This is not suppose to happened! And Bay get cheated by cubizone! After purchasing 2 cubicard worth Rm30, he back home and reload it but found out the currency has changed! Which means that in Chinese Version, 100 ingot = 10 cash in game gold but in Eng, 100 ingot = 5 cash in game gold, Oh man, what a day... Guess Bay has to buy another Rm30 card to get his dream black steed! Never give up!
On his way back, Ying sent a message to Bay asking whether he would like to come for her Model Contest in Mid Valley but guess Bay can't seems to make it as he had a promise with his friend that he have to accompany him ( Yew ) to Fitness First in Leisure Mall and then to Herbaline in Conaught while taking his lunch in Leisure Mall before proceeding to Sg Wang to buy his stuff.. Tomorrow will be another busy day to Bay, guess his weekend is full with activities! But is a good thing, though tiredness will happened, but rather than staying at home facing the comp right? Bay wish that Ying will win the contest too! Anyway, seems like Bay is exhausted, guess he have to take his slumber.. I guess I finished this article with an advice " Whatever happened in the past will always be the past, look ahead for the future to come " Tooties
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Family - What more than that?
How are you my dear readers? Staying healthy? Eat lots of vegetables and fruits? Do more sports? I hope you all are healthy and fine too. Well, not to mention I'm gaining quite some weight recently ( my tummy seems getting bigger ) well, it means that I'm healthy too! No worries! Recently,something happened to my family.. My mom seems to decide to move out from the house and rent a place somewhere out there ( not confirm where she wanna stay though ) due to she can't stand my grandma scolding, acting, and not to mention, her attitude way towards her, showing out how "old" she is.. I heard from my sis that she used vulgar words to scold her in front of my mom and my mom scold her back too. She said " You can scold whatever you want, but not vulgar to my daughter". Grandma with an action face tell her " Why I can't scold? I'm her grandma " Is this funny to you? Well, it does to me.. Both of them are adults yet acted so childish... Hey, not just me ya know? Adults DO act childish sometimes.. Don't blame them, is just the way they wanna live.
I was wondering about my expenses of course, and not to mention, household chores, household expenses, and who gonna pay for the bills and my study fees too if mom gonna leave the house? Can she survive paying the rent, the food and not to mention, my sister's expenses? I wonder.. But is a good thing though, if she move out, the house will become less noise, not much quarrels anymore.. but 1 thing for sure, I'm the next target!! When an old person, despite male or female get lonely,they can do all sorts of things.. not to mention finding someone to quarrel with.. I wonder will I turn to be like that when I become old..
Now things seems to changed a little bit.. Instead of my mom moving out, Dad and my Uncle suggested that grandma move to my Uncle house to stay for some time, at least a change of different environment might help my grandma and my mom too! Benefit for both of them.. Isn't that much better that way? And I got my freedom too! Yay! Gonna stay home alone if that happen.. Can blast my songs out loud woohoo! That's something fun! What worse is, I need to do household chores... Aihz, gonna wash clothes, mop the floor, sweep the floor, do laundry and etc.. Man, I never did such things in my life before! Guess what good happens, bad things will follow too! Anyway, let's just see what they all come up with.. But of course, I prefer mom to stay hehe...
Tomorrow have to go to University to do my sculpture.. I've done the skeleton ( 80% done ) now all I need to do is put clay on it and shape it out, then paint it and walla! I'm done! Nothing much to say here peeps, guess my days are really bored with nothing much to do.. Ohya, now I remembered! My friends actually asked me to accompany him to go Fitness First and asked me to join him too! I've been wanting to go for so long already and my mom and sis wanted to go too! Maybe they have discount or family package that will be much cheaper! Hehe.. Hope good things will come to me! If I can afford to pay for my fitness, I also hope that I can afford to learn playing piano too! Rm268 for Fitness and Rm120 for piano is quite costly.. Well, can't be too greedy eh? Anyway, I'm heading to my bed now, I'll update tomorrow too, have a look ya? Goodnight.
Yours Sincerely,
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Exam Finished - Banzai !
Busying playing 2 games currently, Red Cliff English Version and Emil Chronicles Online.. I Believe I've posted both the game in my blog here, please do refer back to my post if you wanna find out more about this game.. Some videos attract my attention, they sing pretty well too! Hope you like it.. A song from Tamia - Officially Missing you and Unashamed - Starfield but covered by this 2 brilliant girl, Janice and Sonia, do enjoy their songs..
Tamia - Officially Missing You by JS
Starfield - Unashamed by JS
Okay la, I continue my game for a little while then head on to bed.. Goodnight ya peeps! Don't miss me =) and Pey, thanks for the wishes! I hope I can score well too! Hehe..
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
A day, A month, A year - Passing by slowly
Anyway, come back to the topic.. Let's see, hmm.. Gonna have my World Englishes exam this coming wednesday although not so eager to have it on since I hardly touch my book at all but I hope I can manage it.. Hopefully get an A too if can xD well, so far so good now, busy preparing all the tools needed for my sculpture now! Almost get everything, just the major item, the clay haven't got it right now but nevertheless, I'm sure I can handle it! Don't ya worry! Today was a good day! Wake up then have to go to my friend house to drill a hole in the Jelutong board needed for the sculpture to stand on.. Man, it really difficult for us to drill a hole and right, is a hole.. A 3 to 5 cm diameter but take us long enough to get it done.. Urgh, I wonder how the workers done it but for us, man... troublesome! We drill until our hands shake non-stop and we sweat alot too! The drill just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, spinning, spinning non-stop that's why our hands are full with dust and shakes alot too! Lose our energy just for that aihz... Nevertheless, we've done 3 holes only! Then technical problem occur.. aww man.. Aihz, can't finish up the rest! Nevermind, tomorrow still can continue in class haha... Gonna have study group tomorrow for last revision, hope everything we studied, we memorized came out on the exam.. if not, GG-fied!
Ohya, I'm currently playing ECO + Red Cliff Online too! If ya don't know what is Red Cliff Online, I hope this picture will help you!

Is a show starring by Tony Leong and his gang ( I don't know who the others ) and now they have both Chinese and English version online game too! Details on this game will be posted in this link so do check it out ya?
Hope you will play this game together with me! My name inside will be Lenux, a Sabre ( Dao ) user.. I thought of putting Chinese Character or Ping yin for my name but then maximum words for a name is between 2- 8 characters only so... yeah,can't use it anyway, aihz... Thought of putting Zhang Zhongxian tim heh.. a name created by me! Nice eh?
Anyway, since I've introduce some anime, here another anime that I'm currently watching.. Is quite attractive to me ( hot girls inside too ) so if you wanna see more girls, enjoy Kampfer!!

Hot girls eh? Here the details about this anime!
The story revolves around Natsuru Senō, a normal high school boy. One day he wakes up to find himself turned into a girl. A stuffed tiger "Harakiri Tora" comes to life and tells him to fight as a female psychic fighter "Kämpfer". Having no idea about what's going on, Natsuru is involved in the battles against other female Kämpfer.
Catch your attention? Well, watch it here in only 3 episode currently, so watch it when you have free time!
Okay, I'm done with the blogging thingy! Now is time for me to sleep! Oh, before that, can you see the Nuffnang ads on your right hand side? Click it everytime you read my blog! It helps me to get money ( according to my friends ) so, won't you spare some kindness to me? Pretty Please? Okie Dokie! Time to get to sleep and be ready for tomorrow class! Tooties!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Holding On...
Hey Pey, do you enjoy the dinner just now? I hope you did! You've been so quiet just now until Fione came only you talked.. Shy ka? =X I hope not.. See the keychain you gave me for my birthday? Is still in 1 piece wei! I didn't lie to you right? Haha.. I still keep the sunshine buddy both of them gave it to me for my birthday and xmas present though it bring back memories to me, that's why I put it somewhere else which can't be seen by me but I didn't throw it away.. Still it mean something to me.. Anyway, not really in a mood currently, but I'm okay so don't worry ya! Gonna go to bed now, will update tomorrow ( hope something good come up so I can share it with you all ) Nighty Night Peeps!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
An Emotional Feeling - Something that hard to describe
Then went to CC with Kum and Heng and spend bout 2 to 3 hours playing Left 4 Dead and Starcraft.. If you don't know what is Left 4 Dead and Starcraft, here's a picture of it..

So here another game I would like to Intro to you is Left 4 Dead! You see the picture you already know what type of game it is! Precisely! Left 4 Dead means left 4 human alive in the world to fight against thousands of zombies in the whole wide world! Or maybe millions,trillions and etc. There are other 4 different types of zombie too! Smoker, Boomer, Hunter and Tank have their own ability to own humans! NEVER EVER underestimate what zombies can do to you, you will never know.. Play it and you will know what I mean. Once you try, I'm sure you will addicted to it! I heard Left 4 Dead 2 is coming out this year or maybe next, so I guess I'm gonna try it out! Got different type of human character and various new equipment / tools to fight against these zombie! so Ganbatte yo!
Next will be Anime! Been watching it quite lately.. My best top Anime will be.............................
* drums rolling * Tada !

Meanwhile, the Easter Company is extracting people's eggs in search of a special egg called the Embryo. The Embryo is believed to grant any wish to the one who possesses it. However, the process creates X Eggs and X Characters. It is described as a white egg with a heart and yellow wings.Which they eventually found out was someone else's egg.
Later on in the series a fourth (yellow) egg is born, this egg contains the Guardian Character Diamond. She was only seen about 2 times in the series until almost the end. She was finally born.
Oh my, quite alot i've copied from Wikipedia, I hope you all dont mind reading it this way... Next will be Hitman Reborn! Here are the plot..
The Reborn! story revolves around a boy named Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, who is chosen to become the Vongola Family's boss due to him being the great-great-great grandson of the first Vongola boss, who had moved to Japan from Italy during his time. Also, the other candidates for the position of the head of the Vongola Family died. For these reasons, Tsuna is the only remaining heir. As such, Timoteo a.k.a. "Vongola IX", the current head of the family, sends Reborn, an infant hitman from Italy, to train Tsuna. Tsuna then unwillingly undergoes training from Reborn. Reborn's main method of teaching Tsuna is the "Dying Will Bullet", which will make the person be "reborn" with a stronger self intent on fulfilling his dying will. Through his experiences, Tsuna unconsciously becomes stronger and more confident, which ultimately makes him better suited as the Vongola Family's boss despite continuing to reject his Mafia inheritance. He also starts making several friendships such as his crush Kyoko Sasagawa.
Oh my,another long post - - sorry peeps, I lazy to summarize everything! But do watch it okay? Is nice! Rating high too!
Ohya, been wondering alot lately.. so long I didn't post my new Family Tree already! is time dood, is time!
Family Tree
Older Brother : Venizo, Lexus , Fung , Guo Keng, Sheng Hao, Xlaw, Chin Hooi, Lancelot
Younger Brother : Kien Hou, Wil Ken, Siew Loon, Bennie, Zintz, Hung
Son : Hong Jin and Tian Yuan
Parents : Jellybean aka Ching and Ryan
Thanks for being there for me no matter how I've changed, no matter how irritating, annoying I am, you never give up on me.. Thanks.. I don't know how to say.. just the word thanks is all I can say out right now.. I'll appreciate your kindness to me, very very much... There's no words to say how I'm feeling right now but I will try to be someone whom I'm not used to be. I hope you will get what I mean =) Thanks..
Today I saw Eddie playing in Garena, sudden thought just flashback to me.. I wonder how is he doing right now? Still emo or happy-go-lucky ne? I hope he's fine right now as I'm fine too! Trying to make a change in my life, I hope you do too! Ganbatte and take care if you ever read my blog.. Ying too! Good luck in your model contest! Hope you become the winner ! I know you can do it! Shui also, do study hard in your SPM okay? Don't always dota aje = = study is also important.. Shit! Speaking bout exams, I'm having exams too next wednesday! Awww man, guess we both have to study already! You too Alex Wong! Don't phail your exam!
Guess I have to sign out from here, night peeps!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Yay and Nay !
Well, I guess nothing much to say lately, been a good day to me today! Finally i manage to finished up Ares ( Manga ) today! The story was fantastic! but I ain't gonna tell you what is it about, you have to find it ! Now here's the picture of it..

Vagrant Soldier Ares (떠돌이 용병 아레스) is a Korean manhwa written and drawn by Ryu Kum-chel. The story centers around young swordsman Ares and takes place in a world similar to Ancient Rome.
The manhwa is noted for fluid, dynamic action and subtle anachronism. For example, Ares wears shoes in the style of classic Adidas.
The world of Ares is similar to Ancient Rome and shares important names with that history. The protagonists belong to or ally with the central country of Chronos. Daraak and the Radnik Alliance flank Chronos' western border, Isiris flanks its southern border, Silonica flanks its eastern border, and the island nation of Minos is off its northern coast.[1]
At the story's onset, Ares meets Mikael when both enlist with Temple Mercenaries, the most respected soldiers-for-hire in Chronos. Their comrades Baroona and Gohue are also soldiers for Temple Mercenaries.[2]
Yeah I know,direct copy from Wikipedia since I'm lazy so... whatever! Ohya, another great great GREAT manga I need to strongly recommend you! Is..............
Here's the plot!
A young sorceress, Lucy Heartfilia, travels to the land of Fiore to join the magical Fairy Tail Guild. Along the way, she meets Natsu Dragneel, a teenage boy looking for a dragon named Igneel. Shortly after their meeting, Lucy is abducted by Bora of Prominence, who was posing as Salamander of Fairy Tail, to be sold as a slave. Natsu rescues her and reveals that he is the real Salamander and has the skills of a Dragon Slayer. He offers her membership into the guild, which she accepts, and they become a team performing various missions for the Fairy Tail guild.
To be frank, the girls in there are AWESOMELY HOT! You watch it you will know what I mean!
Some songs I would like to recommend you... please stay tune and listen to it when you have some time to spare! A new ( I hope is new ) boy band from taiwan called 东于哲 consist of 2 guy, Thomas and Jack and I find their songs quite relaxing especially 太阳雨.. here are the video! Hope you like it!
想不想晒太阳天气清朗 哦沙滩
温软的太阳和你飞翔 多勇敢
太空碰水的微笑 跟我们一样疯狂
你看 清楚的梦 不觉点高顶头
热浪 看白身空
想不想晒太阳天气清朗 哦沙滩
温软的太阳和你飞翔 多勇敢
太空碰水的微笑 跟我们一样疯狂
你看 清楚的梦 不觉点高顶头
热浪 看白身空
想不想晒太阳天气清朗 哦沙滩
温软的太阳和你飞翔 多勇敢
太空碰水的微笑 跟我们一样疯狂
想不想晒太阳天气清朗 哦沙滩
温软的太阳和你飞翔 多勇敢
太空碰水的微笑 跟我们一样疯狂
想不想晒太阳天气清朗 哦沙滩
温软的太阳和你飞翔 多勇敢
太空碰水的微笑 跟我们一样疯狂
and don't forget kelly Clarkson - Already Gone, Another song that I would like to recommend since I find it interesting too!
The Lyrics
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
Even without fists held high, yeah
Never would have worked out right, yeah
We were never meant for do or die
I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hurt you now
I can't stop
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
Looking at you makes it harder
But I know that you'll find another
That doesn't always make you wanna cry
Started with a perfect kiss
Then we could feel the poison set in
Perfect couldn't keep this love alive
You know that I love you so
I love you enough to let you go
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
I'm already gone
I'm already gone
You can't make it feel right
When you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone
Already gone
There's no moving on
So I'm already gone
Already gone
Already gone
Already gone, Oooo, oh
Already gone
Already gone
Already gone, yeah
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
I'm already gone
I'm already gone
You can't make it feel right
When you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone
Already gone
There's no moving on
So I'm already gone...
Sorry, can't find the real MV of her and I don't think this song got MV either so I just post the video of it! Is the best out of all already =/
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Next assignment will be World Englishes presentation *heart beating fast* I wonder whether I need to present or not but I guess not.. My other 2 reliable friends will handle it * evil smile* but of course, I need to do something about.. Maybe printing? Hmm... well, Wish us luck then =D Anyway, Studio base Learning is harder than World Englishes.. Now that he accept my artwork, is time to do turn around in which includes Front view, Side View, 3/4 view and back view.. Well, I've done front, side and back view so far ( is just the skeleton, no big deal ) left 3/4 view for tomorrow.. now is time to hit the bed or maybe play some games or read some manga before I sleep.. About the flying cockroach.. well, I don't see it flying here and there tonight, I guess it just run off from my house ( hopefully ) so I guess I can sleep in peace tonight muahahaha... been having a lot of cockroach nightmares, don't wish it comes again... Well, I guess that's all for tonight..
I'm found this youtube video very very VERY Interesting! Is all in Facebook now and i got no doubt that this guy called Robert Muraine is human! He is very talented and he did street dance for 2 or 3 years already and his dance was really Marvellous ! For sure he is ! Have a look and you will know what I'm talking about.. Your eyes will open wide in surprise! I can't believe it myself either but is true that he dance like that OMG! Have a look, have a look!
Gotta bounce,
Monday, October 12, 2009
Here comes the Nightmare !!
Ohya,weird news for peeps! I finally found out that my rabbits are both...male! And they even make love too ! Wth are they doing with the same gender?! The world already like that, now even animals too ! The world is really... Turning around? Guess when the times come, everything will make a turn too! Maybe back to Male X Female, not the same sex anymore! It will somehow influence the person's mindset don't you know? Haihz... what a world I'm living in.. Anyway, I guess i'll be skipping friday class as I think i'm going to join pey for a Sing K session ! *Yay Me * Macam tak cukup orang, so if anyone interested, feel free to give me a call or msg me, I'll welcome you anytime anywhere ( not for those who I hate )have to specific la or else later min jor jor tak baik la..
Heng and I thought of having a piano lesson in Connaught, I guess i will take the lesson in Le Sound but wondering whether the price is reasonable or not hmm.. Guess I better go and check it out this Wednesday together with him since we are going to Pasar Malam together so why not right? Hopefully get to enter la.. I already planned to learn piano just that parents alawys stop me from doing that cause can't afford to buy a piano so is a No to me but then now I'm paying for it so is alright then hehe... I'll be hitting the bed now, cya peeps! With a smile, the world gets brighter =) !
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Never feel this pain before...
I can't even walk now! (oops, looks like i'm too exaggerate) no la, not can't walk, is just barely can walk.. is really painful, luckily no tears come out phew.. Went down from the stairs is really killing me! each step is like a knife stabbing on your thigh! Barely can make it down my flat to buy food.. anyway, I endure it and finally, bought fish head noodles for lunch haha.. Nyum Nyum!! Got burger for supper too! Man, "what you give is what you get back in return" never wrong! I give up my time to jog and I get back delicious food too, what did you say huh buddy? Lucky or not? :D

I've drawn 3 of the best character in my sketch book, I wonder should I darken the line and then scan it out for peeps like you to view it or not hmm... Not to say I'm lazy but I quite packed lately, forgive me dood! Anyway, to those who read this blog, I hope you all will join me in ECO ( Emil Chronicles Online ) as I'm really bored to play alone whenever I've got the time for it.. Or else, how bout Asiasoft new online game - Warrior of the 3 Kingdom? Looks like Dynasty Warrior though, hope you all will like it.. Below is the game picture, I won't be telling you how the game works so is better you find it out yourself! You can find it on Youtube some in gameplay scenes and function of the game so hope yo

Well, is 12:35am now, guess i better go read some manga, eat some burger and then hit the bed hehe.. Is been a wonderful day today but seems like the rain is pouring in my heart hmm I wonder why.. something fishy going on in my mind, guess I better forget about it.. Omg, a flying cockroach invade my room !! All my plan spoilt T_T have to sleep in my dad's room the whole night.. sigh...
I think I still miss E...............
Saturday, October 10, 2009
What a life !
A bit of flashback today, the picture still clearly visible in my mind, showing out ah ying walking on the "sack chuen lou" ( I don't know what it called in English but is a pathway full with tiny rocks that you need to step on it to determine how healthy you are ) wearing black T-shirt and purple shorts.. still remembering your smile and other friends beside you holding your hand.. Man, that was the best day we had back then Hahaha.. Nevertheless, is just a memory now =) treasuring it very well..
Today I very guai zhai jor la.. Help ah gor ( Guo Keng ) burn his song ( but a failure ) then later on teman him go CC da gei, truly amazing leh.. Wonder why I so energetic after finished joking? The truth behind is... ALI CAFE !! I wonder if its helpful but I never drink it before, not even a sip.. I'm just kidding,don't take it seriously okay? Actually, I'm pretty exhausted.. Almost fell asleep in CC, a very embarassing scene I have to admit.. well, what to do,promise jor go then must go lo.. he also teman us jor this morning for jogging so, in order to be fair, have to teman him back right?
Anyway, really feel so tired today, yet my legs still pain till now and I haven finished my assignments yet staying alone in the house for whole night, Happy or Sad? I wonder... nevertheless, have a great tom yam soup rice with ice kacang really brighten my night man! Never felt this good before! Finished up my assignments the next day ( hopefully ) and starts my drawing at night.. hopefully what I wish for come true la haha.. Cherio peeps! Have to hit the bed once again.. really miss my bed,soft and fluffy... A smile a day brighten up your day! =) no more sad faces !!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Like a working Ant

Apart from that, Studio Base is like a disaster! Name out all the disaster that you know, I can tell you right now that all this disaster that happened in the world happened to me. My drawing keep rejected by my lecturer, Mr. Teh who knows nothing (I think he is) at all! He never show us his skill, how he draw, how he take photos this and that.. Isn't it a little unfair to all of us? Being a lecturer who doesn't show us his skill but talk only (as in feh shui) help us nothing! Nothing at all! No one in my class likes him and I can repeat that, NOBODY LIKES HIM AT ALL! Pif! Tell you what, he can actually come to class and talk non stop for 2 hours and maybe even 3 hours! What a feh shui King he is.. Not to say that I dislike him just because he rejected my drawing, but everyone too did the same so can't blame me for doing that right?
Ohya, I can finally play Disgaea 2 in my PSP! Yay me! Thanks to my friend who help me out for that =) Credit to you Wei Hong for helping me or else I really will give up on playing it.. Is 2.25am now, guess i better hit the bed now.. Have to wake up at 7am for jogging.. Nowadays i really wanna build up myself.. I've been very week pass 21 years old ALREADY! What a shame to me,I need to do lots and lots of sports so that I can be healthy and even gain muscles too! Hopefully I can succeed it in no time! So, Cya folks!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Official Launch!

Finally!! Is time to officially launch my blog to the public haha.. Did you not notice the picture above? Is my own creation! I find back my last time pictures and mix it together to form such masterpiece! ROFL Anyway, those pictures from kid to secondary student ( primary i don't think i have ), till meet my close and best friend there to Ragnarok Online friends and now to Uni friends too! But guess what? I short of pictures actually.. Just cin cin cai cai go snatch some pictures from facebook and put it in heh.. how bout it? give comment please... ONLY accept good comments, bad one please don't write ( just kidding! ) Anyway... Here are my Biodata,take a look.. if suits to be friend, just contact me okay?
Name : Gabriel Yap aka Bay aka Lenux
Gender : Male
DOB: 17/3/1988
Nationality : Malaysian
Course : Major in 3D Animation
University : UCSI ( University College Sedaya International )
Hobbies : Sleep, Chat, Draw?, Gaming, Reading ( If there's any book that interest me )
Likes : Chicken Rice, All sorts of spicy foods, dessert, herbal drink and etc. nice personality person
Dislikes : Bad personality person
Abit of me : Well, I'm not sure how to express myself well, but, is good for you to find out more about me than for me to jolt it down for you right? Words can be deceiving so... yeah,that's what i wanna say ( not even telling anything about me at all =X )