Don't think is that nice but I need to have the same color as the queen and my friend told me his model ( Queen ) got Red, Dark brown and white so i used those color for my King. I guess it needs some changes that's why I've just finished colored the white part and the rest I leave it tomorrow to do. Of course, I need to consult my lecturer about the color and guess what? MR. TEH ( Everyone hates Teh ) will come to class again Tomorrow! Hell will once again come to me! Haihz, I hope he won't criticize my drawing, model and color anymore.. I seriously had enough of him, not again this time please.. I still didn't fix the head yet, guess I need some helping hands tomorrow.. Been too useless nowadays, can't do anything on my own.. Everytime I told myself I need to do it right but failed but I won't give up just yet, I will try my best to do! Even if it doesn't score me an A but I will still try my best!
Wah, today I go for Fitness damn unlucky ya know? Walk out of my house, SHAAAAA! Heavy rain pour down from the Sky and I have to run out to take a cab. Reach there already freaking wet and some more my friend didn't reach yet so I alone went for BodyJam and start dancing to the rhythm of the music~ Oh Yeah ~ But freaking embarrassing since I can't even shake my lower body ( especially butt ) and I don't know how those auntie and uncle can dance and shake like nobody business. They even can dance Cha Cha pretty well too! I'm losing to them Noooooo!
but overall, is fun to dance heh.. I even go for BodyBalance, Yoga + Taichi type of exercise, I called it Bone Breaker exercise! Seriously, Auntie and Uncle was the best of the bestest! Already old age and they even can do such shocking exercise than the young's one. You say isn't it memalukan? Come back home already damn freaking tired + I need to cook too! Luckily mom came back home earlier than me so she help me out on that but seriously, Damn tired! Been busy whole day till 10pm only I stop doing everything and start playing, Phew! Tired till no mood adui... Anyway, Liang Jing Ru - Qing Ge still the best song of all ^^
Enjoy it!
Ohya, I thought of changing my name to An-G but sounds like girl LOL!
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