Yesterday went to sg long to pass the wedding invitation to my friend there while go meet Ying + Lei + Shui to have dinner there. Luckily Eddie didn't go or else i'll emo whole night then LOL but still got sad abit la, reflash back abit la about Eddie and how we ended up as stranger now but then at least he's happy being with Ying and Shui la that's all I wanna know right now.. I ady gave up him le, didnt think much of him lately haha.. Well, the dinner was quite fun having them again, meeting them and sharing our experienced during high school haha, it was really fun to know that we all did done some stun or embarassing things back in the past.. Is Rainy Day yesterday,i felt so excited suddenly.. I wonder why but still I love rain the most! Can't help but listening to the raindrop fall heavily right outside of my house.. Anyway,i also done some shopping yesterday and the other day before yesterday.. Bought 4 shirts which is 2 jackets and 2 t-shirts and 1 jeans..
You know,Kok Heng, 1 of my close friend was so surprise to see me wearing Jeans @@ he said I look like a mature man now, dress way better than my kiddy look last time haha.. even my aunt and cousins also say i look like taiwanese singer LOL and i also thought that i should join TVB or any TV Company la! I look like an actor sometimes, a model or even a singer LOL maybe cuz the way i dress myself gua hehe.. i'm just kidding,don't angry ya! they all went to sing K today, i memang feel like going but now i'm really moneyless sia.. Aihz,if not ady join liao.. i wonder when I got the chance to go sing K when i have to study everyday now for 7 weeks... Short sem ma,then after that I can go work ady on November! Finally can work! And I bought 1 Dissidia Puzzle and is very nice! I just completed part of it.. Hopefully I can complete everything la since i'm the lazy type people.. C ya soon!