Love.... is a kind of affection towards someone,
an emotionally fall in love with him/her..
Friends told me numerous time,
he said,
"wai lui sei, wai lui mon, wai lui zou dai lan ngong "
It means that,
When a person in love with a girl,
he will die for her,
busy with her,
and become an idiot just for her...
We all had a great laugh because of such words,
but who can really predict what a person will do when he fall in love with someone?
probably doing the same thing as stated above...
I too as well might end up becoming like that,
just because,
being in love...
blinded a person's eyes....
can be torturing huh?
People can really make a hell jokes about this,
but I DO see people,
suffered because of Love...
what true love means?
or are there any?
Well, I guess is hard to say for now..
As myself,
Are confused now.....
Love can be as pretty as beautiful roses,
but can be
as hurting as stabbing your heart with thousand of needles..
stay happy okay?
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I.... somehow decided to write again,just a feeling though..
not so in a good mood anyway,same goes to my friend and others I guess...
Been long since I last emo, wonder when was the time..
I realize, although time had passed long enough,
memories still can't be erased no matter how hard you try..
especially, your feelings...
I... don't care much about what others had to say about me,
just that,
I guess,
I really am still miss Eddie...
I wasn't sure how long has it been since the last we've chatted,
I was eager at first, to have him back as a brother or so..
but I'm too filled with anger and hatred that it turns out to be like this,
but thanks to Kum, saying that he still missed me...
somehow,it calms my anger,
melt my hatred,
and now,
I'm again missing him...
not so in a good mood anyway,same goes to my friend and others I guess...
Been long since I last emo, wonder when was the time..
I realize, although time had passed long enough,
memories still can't be erased no matter how hard you try..
especially, your feelings...
I... don't care much about what others had to say about me,
just that,
I guess,
I really am still miss Eddie...
I wasn't sure how long has it been since the last we've chatted,
I was eager at first, to have him back as a brother or so..
but I'm too filled with anger and hatred that it turns out to be like this,
but thanks to Kum, saying that he still missed me...
somehow,it calms my anger,
melt my hatred,
and now,
I'm again missing him...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
2:30AM Clock the time where I kept my memories most.. the time where we chatted for so long...
2:30AM... is the time where I forget how long has time passed...
2:30AM... is the time where I will start to think of the past...
2:30AM... is the time I miss you...
2:30AM... is the time I will not forget you but remember it...
2:30AM... is the time that I will always remember...
2:30AM... is the time that most precious to me...
Is the time where I felt alone.....
Time Forgets... The Hurtful Part....
But remembering.... The Happiest Part....
Time Forgets - Yiruma
2:30AM can come back once again....
Happy Happy !!

3 of my favourite movie I wanna watch right now but who's gonna accompany me?!
Anyway, today is a happy day !! ^^ Weee~ Spend my day outside of the house, traveling from Low Yat -> SeGi -> Time Square -> Pudu -> Mamak Stall LOL! Accompany Kum after his exam then walk around Time Square planning to watch 3 movies that I've posted up there but haven't on screen yet except Christmas Carol but already too late for that since the timing doesn't suit us then we walk around Low Yat looking for modem that Kum want but didn't buy at all after we've found what he wants.. Going out with them sure have lots of fun cause I always make jokes out of everything that I've see LOL! He joined in the fun and start laughing too heh... Guess I aren't that bad in communication am I? Heh...
Then join Heng in Pudu ( He "working" there ) for a game of Red Cliff for 3 hours, chit chatting and discussing something regarding Red Cliff item. It might sound boring but when your friends are with you, everything is fun right? Man, really miss my days together with them in secondary school.. why can't we just turn back the time and start all over again? I don't mind sitting for SPM once again as long as I got friends to accompany me, Right? Hehe... If time can ever turn back again, I wish something just don't happen..... Then finished CC, I've gotta accompany kum back to SeGi to hand in his assignment but never could I imagine that the building block is... abit..... old fashioned, that's all I could say. It is located in Masjid Jamek full with cars, smokes, and crowded with people of all races! The building is quite old and not spacious, seems like not very healthy to people that kind of environment, sorry to say that. But nevertheless, it is a good day! I finally managed to watch people playing L4D 2 !! my hands start itchy just by looking at it! Too much fun already! I can't wait to play it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must grab the CD ASAP! Ohya, everytime I eat today, my stomach starts to hurt, like wanna go for pangsai but after that, I'm all healthy again o.o? Weird des!
Anyway, is a fun day today! Ate my dinner in Mydeen mamak stall located in Connaught which is totally sucks ( Nasi Goreng Pattaya which is tasteless but spicy hot ) I ate half of the plate and then I give up. The egg is too salty already Aihz.. Next time better call Maggie Goreng than Pattaya zzzz... I've learned my lesson, better not order any rice anymore. Ohya, I heard from Kum that Ying also organize a trip to somewhere this coming end of December in which my friend also organize 1 trip too! Anyway, enjoy your trip ya? ^^
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Left 4 Dead 2 - Christmas Party?!

Grandma is coming back soon to stay for a while since my 2nd uncle will be coming back for a holiday for few days I guess yippee !! Means I can laze around when grandma is here hoho! She's gonna do the laundry, cooking, sweeping and mopping the floor once again! GG! Haha, I'm just kidding! Guess when both of them come back, I'm gonna cook something delicious for them! Just you wait guys, I'm pretty sure I can cook something nice this time! maybe mixtures of both western and eastern food? Haha, who knows... I'm getting hungry just by thinking of it LOL! Haven't had my dinner yet, guess I'm going now.....
Christmas is coming soon! Is already passed 1 month ever since my semester break starts. Sigh, time sure fly fast.. I lazy already to study! Ugh... New semester starting next month, guess I ain't prepare for it.. Anyway, I was wondering whether this year we ( secondary schoolmate ) will be having a blast on Christmas Eve or not hmm... Was eager for that to happen but then I got carol to attend to Sigh.. which to choose? Maybe I attend half of the carol and half of the party? Can enjoy both so why not? LOL! Hopefully got turkey! Man, I'm craving for that ugh... Hungry des! Anyway, hopefully this time Christmas will have some surprise for me. Been dying for that to happen but I wonder it will or not.. Nevermind, should wait for that day hehe...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Missing You....

I remembered it very clearly,
in my heart,
and my mind,
that you are clearly visible,
Days that I have with you,
are numbered.
We used to have the world with us,
and belong only us,
Everyday is just like in paradise,
holding hands side by side,
sitting on a mountain top,
staring at the stars,
counting it 1 by 1,
watching the fallen meteor,
and snooze off together,
but now,
I can only see your shadow,
going off,
I can only see your smile,
and smell your perfume,
in my dreams......
The waters calm and still,
My reflection is there,
I see you holding me,
But then you disappear,
All that is left of you,
Is a memory,
On that only, exists in my dreams.
I never felt this much love before,
Loving you is as sweet as chocolate,
Days are bright,
perfectly filled with love,
But rain had poured,
sweets turned bitter,
its gone....
I long for that day,
the day where I've met you,
and start again,
this bittersweet memories.
I love you...
I love this music played by yiruma - Love me. It was so touching that my heart ache upon hearing it and those sweet memories just flashback non stop. Nearly cry my heart out.. Don't listen for the sake of listening, listen with your heart, let it touch your feelings, and then you will know what I'm talking about..
I miss you...
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